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The innovation cycle

We operate with an overall look towards the entire innovation lifecycle and provide you with a comprehensive analysis on each of this cycle's stage.

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Our approach to IP protection

1.   IP asset identification

Sum and substance

We analyse the existing IP gaps and loop-holes that typically exist in your business.

An IP strategy is taylor-made to adapt to your activity, in order to maximize the intangible asset value that may exist.

Course of action

Identification of risks and opportunities

Comprehensive inventory of all existing intangible assets within the organization

Definition of a taylor-made IP Strategy

Relevant service


Our experts perform a complete due dillingence to identify all possible risks or opportunities that relate to the protection of your intangible assets.

We compile all the information that is necessary in order to draft a comprehensive IP protection strategy.

Relevant service

Strategy design

A comprehensive IP strategy is taylor-made to adapt to your activity, in order to maximize the intangible asset value that may exist.

The strategy is designed taking into account all risks or opportunities that were disclosed during the due-dilligence stage.

2.   IP protection

Sum and substance

Our experts secure your IP before the official entities and institutes to protect trademarks, patents and other rights.

Your IP is secured by filing trademarks, patents and other IP rights, to provide you with a strong basis for intangible asset maximization.

Course of action

We file trademark applications to secure your different brands

Patent applications are filed to secure your technical inventions

All copyright that is created within the organization is registered

Relevant service

Filing of new applications

The identified IP rights are dully secured via the filing of applications for Trademarks, Patents, Designs or other rights.

These filings may be submitted by our services directly or via our network of foreign associates, that will allow us to act on any jurisdiction of you interest.

Relevant service

Validation of executed actions

All actions taken are carefully reviewed and validated to ensure that no lapses occurred during this critical stage.

Our internal support staff will review all receipts received by the Official Offices or by our local partners, to ensure that all applications were completed successfully.

Relevant service

Delivery and confirmation

We deliver all documentation that prove that the rights now belong to their rightful owner.

This sent documentation will also allow their owners to confirm that all actions that were taken correspond to their intentions.

3.   Monitoring, maintaining & enforcing IP rights

Sum and substance

The careful monitorization and enforcement of your IP portfolio is usually critical for a company's success.

We monitor your IP portfolio and take action against infringements.

Course of action

Establish regular watch mechanisms to identify any potential conflict in its early stages

Enforce your rights by the systematic intervention before the competent authorities

Careful management and maintenance of the current IP portfolio to ensure that all formalities are dully accounted for

A litigation strategy dully set in place to prevent other IP rights to take hold

Relevant service

Efficient watching mechanisms

We carefully set up watching mechanisms that are designed to be the most efficient manner that will allow all right holders to become aware of any conflicting application that may be entering a relevant market.

This careful watching will give the right holder opportunity to take action against competitors at a very early stage.

Relevant service

Methodical enforcement

All detected conflicting applications are communicated to the right holder to allow for a swift and methodical enforcement of the prior right.

The most effective action to act against the conflicting application is suggested, allowing for the prior right to maintain its exclusive right in the relevant market.

Relevant service

Careful maintenance of rights

All existing rights under our care are maintained in our proprietary management system.

Systematic notices to allow for the timely renewal and maintenance of your rights are sent, ensuring that your portfolio is always updated.

4.   IP valuation and commercialisation

Sum and substance

Ensure that you make the most of your IP portfolio.

We maximise the value of your intellectual capital with our IP valuation and commercialisation strategies.

Learn how your IP rights may translate into financial assets, ensuring a valuation of your entire organization.

Course of action

Set up licensing agreements between your IP holder organization and third entities

Periodically assess the value generated by your main IP rights

Financially integrate the IP strategy into the overall organization

Assign and sell your intangible assets that no longer align with the overall strategy

Relevant service

Licensing your IP rights

The most efficient manner to generate revenue from your existing IP rights may not be the direct commercialization of the products.

We will assist you in setting up license agreements with your commercial partners, in order to maximize the revenue that your are able to obtain from your rights.

Relevant service

Financial incorporation

Increase your organization in value with the incorporation of your IP rights into your organization's accounts.

We will guide you through the process of including the value associated to your IP rights into your organization, ensuring that a valuable asset is always taken into consideration.

Relevant service

Intangible asset valuation

An important step when creating value from your intangible assets is to understand what that value amounts to.

By using standardized and certified metrics, we will be able to valuate your assets and provide you with a specific value, opening up different options to better capitalise on your right.

Where we operate


European Union




Cape Verde

Sao Tome and Principe

East Timor

Rest of the world