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02 NOV 2023

Article by Manuel Moniz Pereira in CIP Magazine - Uncomplicating the New European Patent with Unitary Effect

See the publication by Manuel Moniz Pereira, AOPI at Gastão, who comments on the new European Patent with Unitary Effect system.

02 NOV 2023

Article by Alexandra Oliveira in CIP Magazine - The Unitary Patent

See the publication by Alexandra Oliveira, AOPI at Gastão, who comments on the new European Patent with Unitary Effect system

24 JAN 2023

Protecting SMEs' creativity and innovation is now simpler and cheaper

The EU programme "Ideas Powered for Business SME Fund" reopened yesterday with funds available in the amount of €25 million. The funds will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis and each SME can receive up to €2,350 in one year.

27 DEC 2022

IP and AI

Global investment in AI startups reached $38 billion in the first half of 2021. We asked #OpenAI's #ChatGPT to describe the relationship between AI and IP. At the end we asked #DALL-E to illustrate the publication.

07 DEC 2022

The «Invisible Powers» of AI

Why is it that countless innovative products and businesses fall into the valley of death, despite meeting market needs and appearing to be good ideas?

24 OCT 2022

The Unitary Patent is coming into force

Bringing huge savings, the Unitary Patent will allow to protect innovations in a simpler, faster and more economical way.

01 SEP 2022

The relevance of Priority Searches

There is no new business that doesn't start by creating a brand. The next step is to register it to make it your own. But the creation process can lead to new brands which, all things considered... are not new.

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